25 April 2025
B28 - Institut Montefiore
Europe/Brussels timezone


Groupe de Contact FNRS "Calcul Intensif" - University of Liège (Sart-Tilman), April 25th, 12:30 - 18:00

This meeting gathers all the CÉCI users and their PIs from the five member universities. It is a nice opportunity to discover how other users are (ab)using the clusters, learn about new supercomputers available to you, and meet in person and share ideas with the CÉCI board and the system administrators.



12h30: Doors open / sandwiches
13h05-13h15: Welcome & Introduction
13h15-14h15: Keynote: "Quantum Computing and HPC" by Eric Michiels (IBM Quantum Distinguished & Technical Ambassador)14h15-15h15: CÉCI Technical talks
15h15-15h45: Coffee break
15h45-17h00: Scientific Talks
17h00-18:00: Drink

B28 - Institut Montefiore
10, Allée de la découverte Sart-Tilman, Building B28, Carpark P32/P33a B-4000 Liège
Go to map

Registration is free but mandatory, before Wednesday, April 16th

Registration for this event is currently open.