20 October 2022
Europe/Brussels timezone

Writing and editing text files with Vim

20 Oct 2022, 10:45
1h 30m
Maxwell/Shannon (first floor) (Louvain-La-Neuve)

Maxwell/Shannon (first floor)


Place du Levant 3 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium


Jérôme de Favereau (UCLouvain/IRMP/CP3)


Vim is a very powerful text editor installed on all Unix systems, including Mac OSX, and used by many programs as default text editor. Knowing the basics is crucial on HPC. Mastering it will dramatically speed up tasks like the edition of submition scripts, configuration files, code, ...


  • Why use VIM on user interfaces ?
  • VIM modes
  • Movement and action commands
  • Macros
  • Plugins


  • Being able to use SSH with private keys 

Type: Hands-on
Target audience: Everyone
Must: This session is a must for anyone.

Presentation materials