5 December 2022
Europe/Brussels timezone

Parallel programming with MPI (1)

5 Dec 2022, 10:15
2h 15m
Banque nationale: BN/055 (Namur)

Banque nationale: BN/055


Rue de Bruxelles. 83 - 5000 Namur


Orian Louant (Université de Liège)


MPI is a standard for passing messages between processes running on distinct computers. It offers high-level primitives for efficient communication. 


  • Parallel programming paradigms
  • Shared-memory vs message passing
  • Compiling an MPI program
  • Collective communication
  • Reduction operations
  • Communication modes


  • Being able to use SSH with private keys 
  • Being familiar with a text editor 
  • Mastering the Linux command line and the GNU utilities (mkdir, cp, scp, etc.)
  • Passive knowledge of C or Fortran

Type: Hands-on
Target audience: Rookie programmer
Must: This session is a must-have for anyone writing or even simply using MPI programs

Presentation materials