Connecting with SSH from Windows and Linux on CECI clusters

10 Oct 2023, 10:45
L11 (Namur)



Faculté de Philo et Lettres, Rue Joseph Grafé 1, 5000 Namur


Juan Cabrera (UNamur/PTCI) Olivier Mattelaer (UCLouvain/CISM)


SSH is the protocol used to connect to the clusters. This session presents the complete use of the tools to make access to the clusters easy (without being harrassed by passphrase requests, coping with firewalls in a transparent manner, transferring files from one cluster to another, etc.)


  • SSH client usage and common errors
  • SSH keys, passphrases and agents
  • SSH configuration file
  • Passphrase managers
  • Tunnels, proxies and (pseudo-)VPNs
  • SSH-based file transfer (SCP, rsync, Unison, SSHFS)


  • Being familiar with a text editor 
  • Mastering the Linux command line and the GNU utilities (mkdir, cp, scp, etc.)
Prerequisite for: all the other sessions


Type: Hands-on, 
Target audience: Everyone
Must: This session is mandatory.

Presentation materials