28 November 2024
Europe/Brussels timezone

Open Science and Open Research Data / Data Management Plan

28 Nov 2024, 10:00
CYCL09b (Louvain-La-Neuve)



chemin du Cyclotron 2, 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve


Jonathan Dedonder (IACCHOS)


The growing relevance of Open Science poses challenges to research practices. Open Research Data, which aims to provide free access to research data in order to ensure the reproducibility of scientific results, is one important aspect of Open Science. Research Data Management (RDM), on its side, addresses the entire life cycle of data, covering planning, collection, management, storage, publication, referencing, preservation and sharing of research data, as well as access and reuse rights.

This seminar addresses concerns of openness, covers the integration of open Data/FAIR Data into research data management principles as well as practical aspects such as the publication of data in repositories.

Presentation materials